All PYRENEES · France, Spain, Andorra * Eat to live, live to eat: best food, nutrition and diet with Carolina Kramer

 Traditionally the broth was separated and the soup was made from it by cooking in it thick noodles or rice. Since less time is dedicated to cooking, considering its elaboration and the variety of ingredients that it requires, it has become a Christmas or winter holiday dish. At Christmas, it is typical to eat the soup with large galettes (a type of large pasta) sometimes stuffed with minced meat, that is not very common at any other time of the year, while the rest of the year it is often eaten with thick noodles and rice.

 The word escudella in the Middle Ages referred to the bowl to which soups and dishes with sauce were served, later, as with many traditional dishes (paella, caldereta, ollada, tìa, tagina, etc.), the content started to be called with the name of the container. It has also shaped other words, for example, the verb escudellar, which would mean to serve the soup on the plate. It has also derived to an idiomatic expression of the language: “fer escudella” (eng. to make escudella), which means to annoy, to bother. At that time the soups were eaten with bread.

 Escudella with carn d’olla is the oldest documented soup dish in Europe and Francesc Eiximenis (Catalan Franciscan writer from the fourteenth century of the Crown of Aragon) explains that in the 14th century it was a dish that every Catalonian ate every day. It originates with the peasant families that cooked the remains of the harvest and other ingredients from the pantry.

 Formerly, on a weekday the pilota was made only with bread crumbs and bacon. This type of escudella was also made in Occitania, where the meatball was called ròsola. The meatball of bread and bacon still exist, or rather an evolution of it, in which, over time, the bread was replaced with potatoes, it is called farcidures.

 If there was meat leftover from the carn d’olla, it was warmed on a pan or served cold and mixed. In some places, the meat leftovers were used to make a trinxat with potatoes and cabbage, celery, etc. as desired (trinxat is a mix of mashed potatoes with the above mentioned ingredients).

 These soups could have been made with seasonal vegetables, root vegetables and meats that were available. They were eaten very often, if not every day, in a large part of Europe and the Mediterranean, in each place adapted according to the available ingredients. The specific ingredients also depended on the personal economy of each family and to what they had available at the time of preparation in the garden and pantry. Moreover, there were different versions depending on the occasion whether it was prepared for a “party” or just a weekday. The weekday versions had more vegetables and bones and little meat while those prepared for celebrations, in the Catalan Countries, had to have “the Quatre Evangelistes” (eng. four evangelists): pork, chicken, beef and lamb. The olla or escudella with Christmas carn d’olla was the richest party version.

 The escudella recipe with potato is quite recent, since this ingredient was not introduced into Catalan cuisine until one or two centuries after contact with America. Some time ago beans, also of American origin, were also added to it. In the recipe book La cuynera catalana (19th century), the term escudella is still generic for various soups (green, with meat and vegetables, Fish Day soup, without any meat or fish, lentils, peas, toasted bread, etc.) and it is used interchangeably without apparent criterion with the word soup. Yes, it also appears mentioned explicitly, as a separate dish, the “boiled meat in the pot, commonly called carn d’olla is usually served after the escudella”, and it says that besides Vegetables it must contain bacon, however, to achieve “all perfection” it should also contain beef and poultry.

 Until recently it was still eaten with bread, and in some places of Catalonia, Menorca and Occitania the escudella and other soups are still eaten with bread. In Occitania the soups were finished by doing chabrot and it seems that in Catalonia too.

 Among all the variety of dairy products cheeses are very popular: they are nutritious, good on the holiday table and for our daily diet. Cheese recipes are varied, as cheese is present in most cuisines of the world, and each nation develops its own cooking options using this product.

 Some love it, others are confused by the presence of mold. Domestic manufacturers master the secrets of brie production quite successfully. To part with doubts about this product, you need to get to know it better.

 Brie – a variety of soft cheese covered with white mold, originally from France. Brie – the name of the French region near Paris, where for the first time the production of this delicacy began.

 Traditionally, the head of brie cheese is a circle with a diameter of up to 60cm and a height of up to 5 cm. Today, manufacturers also produce brie batch weights of 120, 125, and 150g.

 The surface of a high-quality cheese is evenly covered with snow-white mold. It has a velvety, tender to the touch texture. On the surface, there may be yellow or reddish streaks.

 Under the mold layer, there is a creamy milky mass with a white or yellowish tint, which seems to be liquid towards the center of the head but does not spread. The internal consistency of the cheese changes as it ripens: from elastic and hard to soft.

 Cheese is a living product and its taste changes as it matures. Keep in mind that the shelf life of French cheese is about 30-35 days.

 The taste of a young batch (up to 10 days matured) is gentle, salty milk, not sharp. Starting acquaintance with a French delicacy is best with a young cheese.

 More mature products acquire a sharp, bitter taste, which is often called ammonia. The lower the cheese head, the sharper it is. Over-grown brie has a poisonous ammonia smell and is not to be consumed.

 For the preparation of brie, cow’s milk, salt, rennet milk-clotting enzyme, and mold bacteria are used. The classic formula uses fresh milk, but modern manufacturers often use pasteurized milk for safety.

 3. The heads of the cheese are left to ripen for 7 days, during which they are methodically turned over.


 4. After a week, the cheese is covered with bacterial spores. They grow and form a layer of velvety mold, which is responsible for the unique taste and nutritional benefits of brie.

 Brie is one of the oldest varieties of cheese. There is a version of the origin of the delicious French cheese with mold.

 The milk of French breeds of cows has traditionally been distinguished by high quality and fat content, to a large extent contributed to the very favorable climatic conditions of the country. Peasants traded in fresh produce, while products from it were considered secondary and were used by the common people for food.

 When the technologies for the production of butter and cheese remained at the initial stage of development, both products hardly differed from each other and periodically molded. Over time, the side effects of milk production were not only accustomed to but also appreciated the taste and benefits of mold. The solution of mold fungi began to be applied to the cheese blanks purposefully.

 In the late 8th century – cheese is delivered to the court of Emperor Charlemagne. Brie is a luxury product for the highest strata of French society.

 1791 – In the midst of the Great French Revolution, the overthrown King Louis XVI tries to flee the country. Unable to resist the strong temptation to eat brie cheese, he stops in Varenna near the town of Mo – the center of production of the best cheese. In passing, the hated monarch was spotted and Louis appeared before the court of revolution and was soon executed.

 In the years of the French revolution, the privileges of the nobility were forgotten. Brie, the dainty of the leaders of the damned regime, was proclaimed the wealth of the people and the king among the cheeses. Moldy cheese has become a gastronomic embodiment of the ideas of freedom, equality, and fraternity.

 In the years of the French revolution, the privileges of the nobility were forgotten. Brie, the dainty of the leaders of the damned regime, was proclaimed the wealth of the people and the king among the cheeses. Moldy cheese has become a gastronomic embodiment of the ideas of freedom, equality, and fraternity.

 1815 – during the Congress of Vienna, deciding the fate of Europe after the defeat of Napoleon, the French diplomat Talleyrand, in order to defuse the situation and revive the negotiations, invited representatives of other countries to try the French “specialty” – brie cheese. Diplomats were delighted, Talleyrand supported the prestige of his country, and brie began to become famous around the world.

 Today, this French delicacy is made in different countries. True French brie has the right to be called a product made in two cities of France – Mo and Melene.

 The expiration date of brie from different manufacturers may vary. For example, some products from Germany and Denmark are placed in sealed tin packaging and can remain fresh for up to a year.

 From the outside, many people may not notice any differences between these two cheeses. The delicacies are really similar, but there are differences:

 The high content of calcium and phosphorus helps to strengthen bones and teeth. Mold bacteria in the composition of the cheese improves the absorption of minerals.

 Mold bacteria in moderation contributes to the activation of the gastrointestinal tract, thanks to them the body has the ability to resist the effects of harmful ultraviolet radiation.

 A delicacy product consumed in excess amounts may be harmful to health. It is recommended to observe moderation and remember:

 You should not give moldy cheese to young children and pregnant women, people who are prone to allergies and suffering from fungal diseases. Mold can threaten your health!

 Brie is a fatty and high-calorie product. People participating in weight loss programs should avoid eating large amounts of these cheeses. Remember that animal fats from milk are rich in cholesterol, which threatens to slag the walls of blood vessels and hypertension.

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